Pramod last year This e-commerce platform has an additional Rs.3,000 discount on the old mobile phone exchange. He bought an old mobile phone and put it for Rs. 3,000 for the exchange.huge offers from Flipkart, Amazon,snapdeal, and paytm
This e-commerce company is worth 5,000 rupees for that mobile. Rs. 3,000. Another 10% discount on a bank card. Other discounts are priced at Rs. 20,000 kilometers will eventually be taken. This example can be bought at shopping fairs organized by these e-commerce companies for the upcoming festivities. huge offers from Flipkart, Amazon,snapdeal, and paytm
Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, and Paytm have been selling large-scale sales between 10 and 15th this month. Festival sales will be held in the month ahead of Diwali. This is a good deal of sales.
In the online platform, marketers are predicting that this year's festive shopping is much bigger in the past. "After the purchase of Walmart Flipkart, the competition is further intensified, and international brands will have a bigger share in the market," says Swati Bhargava, co-founder of Kashiratcom.huge offers from Flipkart, Amazon,snapdeal, and paytm
Mobile is not the same ...
Over the past few years, online shopping festivals have many offers and smartphones. Because online sales products are smartphones. But this e-commerce platform provides products in more sectors at this time.huge offers from Flipkart, Amazon,snapdeal, and paytm
"Consumer durables (durable products) are low, especially refrigerators and ACs in this segment, while the margins of smartphones are very low," said Rohitung, head of Roghitung, Camper and Koperra. Smartphones are discounted. However, market sources indicate that sales and electronics are likely to be higher in fashion.huge offers from Flipkart, Amazon,snapdeal, and paytm
These companies paid some commissions to marketing companies to expand the business and increase the number of customers at the same time. They redirect users to their web site., Gopisa Dotcom, etc. But the inclusion of some of their commissions back to the customer is attraction. '' Cashback depends on the product. 2 to 35 percent.
Carrieora's founder Swathi Bhargava said, "This cashback is being offered to transfer some companies to bank accounts for the next transaction. These e-commerce companies will look at the portals and coupon codes with these e-commerce companies regarding the promotion of contracts. Using these e-commerce platforms, you can get additional concessions.huge offers from Flipkart, Amazon,snapdeal, and paytm
Reduction opportunities
There are some portals to show how prices are in various portals. Predicto dot com, popezura, mimesprice, baitatke and smartpics all of this. In what portals do you have a specific product price, have any discounts on credit / debit cards? They show up.
A page will have a selection of all contracts. Special deals in the app are still in the past, this time will be reduced. Rohitung prefer to look at websites before buying expensive products.
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