Kaushal is the winner of the Bigbos 2 'Telugu reality show Season 2. Kaushal was declared the winner based on the audience voting. He has been awarded a gift of Rs 50 lakh. Finally, Geeta Madhuri paid a tough fight to the end of the competition, but eventually, Kaushal won. Finally, the members of the House, who were exempted from the House, were also participated. Finalists also included Kaushal, Geetha, Thanesh, Deepthi and family members of Samratas. The housemates were fun throughout the finale. Dancing with the dancers. Emotionally. Kaushal is the winner of the Bigbos 2
Kaushal has been a huge fan of this show. There is a massive campaign in social media called 'Kaushalarmi'. The fans also organized a rally. Everyone thought that Kaushal 'Bigbas 2' would win the title before declaring the winner.
Season 2 participated in the total of 18 Contestants. Geeta Madhuri, Amit Tiwari, Tanish, Babu Gogineni, Bhanu Sri, Role Raida, Shyamala, Kireeti Damaraju, Deepthi Sunaina, Kaushal, Tejasvi Madhaviwada, Ganesh, Sanjana Anne, Samrat, Nutan Naidu, Nandini Ro, and Pooja Ramachandran show. This season of the more than 110 days, the natural star Nani has been hailed as a commentator. The second season, which began on June 10, ended with this event.
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